Tag Archives: fgs

News Update

This is just a quick update post, with a few bits of news. First, Exploit is doing well. It’s getting generally favorable reviews and comments, and it got Daily 3rd Place on Newgrounds, as well as winning Mochi Media’s weekly Flash Game Friday contest and getting a third place in Kongregate’s weekly contest. It’s gotten linked by Jay is Games, Play This Thing!, and (niftily) Bytejacker. It’s cool seeing your game in someone else’s show!

In other news, I’m going to be attending the Flash Gaming Summit in San Francisco. “The Majesty of Colors” is up for an award there, and there should be some interesting panels. The topics are all business-focused, which is a little disappointing to my game-designer-and-analyst heart. But hey, I also like eating, so I think the panels will be useful.