Tag Archives: sponsorship

An Update on Myself

I’ve been a bit lax in posting lately, for a variety of reasons. To make up for it, I thought I’d give an update on my game development progress. Necropolis has been played over 58,000 times, according to my statistics on MochiAds. It has a rating of 3.04 out of 5 on Kongregate, which I think is quite fair considering its simplicity and apparent instability on some systems.

I’ve got another game, Sugarcore, up for bidding at FlashGameLicense.com. I’ve gotten no sponsorship bids or feedback on it there, which is a bit disappointing, as I think it’s a much better game than Necropolis. Still, it’s only been up two weeks, and the sources I’ve consulted suggest that it can take a month or more to get a bid. I’ve got my fingers crossed. If you happen to run a Flash portal interested in sponsoring a game, or if you’re an eccentric millionaire with a penchant for candy, let me know.

My next game, (I Fell In Love With) The Majesty of Colors, is in development. It’s coming along slowly, but I should hopefully finish it by the end of the week. You can see a mockup of the graphics here; it already looks a bit different from that, but the general look and feel is very close to the original concept in that image.