Spinach is making a documentary about indie video game developers.
At that link above, you can see footage of an interview he did with me, Anna Anthropy, Daphny, and Amon26. Spinach is a cool guy and he’s trying to get some exposure for a bunch of folks who I’m really interested in learning more about. He needs your help to do it, so go and pledge to donate on his Kickstarter page.
I’d love to help out! It’s a shame kickstarter doesn’t allow people from outside the US to donate. :(
You guys miss out on all the cool stuff! Cave Story on day one, Kickstarter… I hope they let overseas people participate soon.
You look good on the video.
Why, thank you. I was exhausted, anxious, and nauseous at the time, so I’m sure that helped. :)
@Terry – I’m from Ireland too, and I was able to donate. Unless it’s a stipulation I didn’t read. :/
I hope he makes it, but I can’t help wonder if his goal is too ambitious…
And don’t bloody mention Cave Story! >:(
Oh wow! I guess they changed it. It used to not work…
Anyway, donated!