Support Me On Patreon

kaGh5_patreon_name_and_messageI’ve set up a Patreon page. If you want to help support the work I do or want to repay me for joy I’ve brought you in the past, you can sign up to give a monthly donation.

I’m really nervous putting this up. I’ve actually had my Patreon set up for a week or two now, but I’ve kept putting off launching it. It’s hard to put yourself out there and ask for support.

If you’re unfamiliar with Patreon, it’s a site that organizes periodic donations for content creators. It’s an opportunity for you to set up an automatic donation and get some exclusive behind-the-scenes news. You can cancel at any time. By signing up, you’ll be a patron, helping to support the work I do because you like it. I write in-depth blog posts and record podcasts that all take a lot of work and research, as well as release free games that are too small or esoteric to see traditional commercial success. This is a way to help pay me back for my time.

Among the stuff I’m planning to put up for patron-only access are works in progress, never-before-seen unfinished games that stopped active development for one reason or another, and behind-the-scenes information. If you donate $5 or more per month, I’ll do a piece on a game you request every month. If you’re feeling especially generous, there’s a donation level where you get a continuous commission opportunity where I’ll spend time each month working on a small game of your choice.

It’s been years since I’ve been able to support myself with my games work. Instead, I take time off to spend months working full time developing websites for banks and other big companies. I’m privileged to have the opportunity to support myself that way, but I’d rather be making games that improve other peoples’ lives instead of just making corporations richer. With your help, I can reduce the amount I depend on that work and increase the amount of time I spend making games.

Please help me do what I love. Support me on Patreon.