My September game, “Paladin 0,” is released. It is a three-day prototype about virtue.
Play “Paladin 0” on Ludus Novus.
Astute readers will notice that there appears to be a monthly game missing. My August game, The Mold Fairy, is finally complete and should come out very soon. Hey, I’m willing to bend the rules of my New Year’s resolution if you are.
“Paladin 0” is, in part, an experiment using the Flixel framework, which is a library designed to help with making pixelly games in Flash. It is very slick, as you can see from the amount I was able to achieve in just three days of work. If all goes according to plan, my October game will be a procedurally-generated Metroidvania done with Flixel.
If you like the music in the game, it’s available through Creative Commons and is part of Ozzed‘s album Lesser Than Three.